Did you know....
The university of Pretoria has a tour of campus that lasts more than 2 hours....(huge)
Jacussi's CAN be build in a day....
You can clean your own pool, just ask Karim how to do it...
Kishore is not recognized without his laptop...
If you walk around with "blanke" benen you get really cold according to Jenny...
South Afrika is the most beautiful place in the world...
Guys in South Africa CAN dance...
Dutch girls DO have rythem...
Lieke baked her own cake according to a prof...
Tu was made to swim... with or without a cell phone...
Bobby still wonders how to drink a cocktail...
The people are more beautiful in South Africa...because of.... the sun?
You can gain about 5 kilo's in 2 weeks by eating out all day...the best food in the world
Tuks is the oldests university of South Africa...
Drinks are only 0,60 cents...
According to the men the girls here are not only pretty but also SWEET!!! so are the drinks...
Bobby and Tu found some extra closet space outside their room last morning...
For breeding you need to have a bull and a cow...
Louis Vuiton cows have the actual LV sign on them ...
I am because we are....
to be continued...
Class of 2010
South Africa!!! country of co-creation
Posted by
Carlijn Simons
on Friday, February 26, 2010
Comments: (1)
„W O R D S create W O R L D S - and when they collide they create value.“
Posted by
* jennifer - jen - jenny *
on Saturday, February 6, 2010
Comments: (2)

“Standing on the Shoulders of Giants; Brands in 2015” – the header under which the workshop took place was a pilot project in order to start co-creation amongst different areas of expertise, so that the upcoming master years in Imagineering have a solid and creative basis for mingling their knowledge with professional design skills. As we learned in one of our first weeks in class, both managers and designers have to expand their knowledge and skills into more areas. A combination of design and strategic management therefore does not seem so devious; it even is suggested! Ultimately, it is not a coincidence that Imagineering is called a ‘design approach’…
Being invited to the building of St.Joost was the first real chance to change perspectives. I remember walking in with some classmates the first day: feeling a bit like tourists, being fascinated from this old abbey hidden somewhere between highway and forests.

DAY I: Analysis
We started off with some ‘gezellig’ (that’s what the Dutch people say for something like ‘cosy’) introduction including coffee, tea, cookies and some small talk for getting to know each other. In total we were a group of more or less 20 students and four teachers/coordinators. After that the more formal part came with introducing our studies to each other. We students were responsible to come up with presentation of our studies, the teachers guided us. In addition we followed an interesting lecture from Marco Bevolo about socio-cultural values and how they will look like in five years from now.

DAY II: Creativity
The second and last day started the same way as the one before, but included even more creative freedom for us. After a wrap-up we could start again where we ended. All of us were very eager and enjoyed working into the direction we defined with our analysis and it was great to see that it became clearer with every hour. In the end we were supposed to come up with a ‘visual passport’ that reflects our application company in 5 years after having applied Imagineering. In the lunch break we were all remarkably quiet, I guess our energy was mainly put into our projects and the newly gained energy was saved for the rest of the day to finalize what we started. At 4pm we proudly presented our results.

Leaving the old abbey, I took a lot of impressions but also appreciation with me. Not only the building, but also the design students inspired me for my project and taught me how important it is to take a step out of your own world and take a glimpse into another. Letting our worlds collide, we created something tangible for my company but also something valuable for me: a much clearer insight of what I really want to do with Imagineering at my application company and how it could look like. I was amazed that there are more creative heads, just around the corner! Sometimes things are so close but still so far away - until you (or in our case the Imagineering Academy) take(s) the initiative to trespass the boarders. I guess the theme of NHTV of ‘Discover your world’ could be expanded to ‘Discover your world and those of others’…
Sitting here and typing these lines I think bringing together these two worlds is similar to me being here in the Netherlands: Important in both cases is to elaborate on a common level of language. One world uses these words and attaches this meaning, the other world othes those words and attaches that meaning. Common vocabulary has to be co-created so that you can connect on a different but very interesting level which in the end makes you broaden your own horizon. In any case you gotta be open for the unknown, be appreciative and not judging but rather be curious and passionated about new things, see them as challenges that deliver some great experiences you will never forget. And in the end these are the things that make you become who you are.
Can it get any more exciting???
Posted by
Xavier Cortina
on Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Comments: (2)

Hello World,
Seriously, can it get any more exciting? or complicated? or crazy?
Seems like everything is coming together at the same time... We're working on the most important asignments for the RMC, which should be the cornerstone for our BTR, in which we'll be working on for the upcoming 5-6 months, so a lot of reading and fun writing for the next couple of weeks, also the Carnival is almost here, you can see costumes sold everywhere, so how not to get excited, then there's of course South Africa, just around the corner..... and.... hold your breath.... Oh yes!!! Let's not forget about the EXAM!!!!!
And for me personally and to make things worse... all that's on my mind right now is the Super Bowl XLIV which will be played in Miami, between the Indianapolis Colts and the New Orleans Saints, both teams feature Highly-powered offenses... My pick: Indianapolis will win... but it will be an exciting game with lots of points.... But let me tell you something about being a hardcore NFL fan and living in Europe.... it's definetely not good for your sleeping habits... Super Bowl Kickoff is at 5 pm in America, which is great for America, but for me it means that the game starts at 1 am, plus the Halftime show which will feature The Who.... I'm probably going to bed at around 5 am. Not the best way to begin study week but I wouldn't miss this game for anything in the world....
In the mean time, some of us are taking a break on Friday afternoon to go to the Movies to watch "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" and enjoy some free drinks and snacks provided by the kind folks of our local Cinema. The movie should be interesting, not just for the name but because it was the movie that Heath Ledger was shooting at the time of his mysterious death. Most of the scenes had already been shot, but still there was no way to finish the movie as planned, after some time the director decided to go on, but he had to go on with some new ideas and new actors, Johnny Depp, Jude Law and Colin Farrell took on Heath L's character in the new scenes. The result should be very interesting with such good actors....
Stay tuned...