I started off as a Tourism and Leisure student, lived in the US for a year, then came back and started at the Academy for Leisure and did a minor in Imagineering in my final year. A long road with only one goal in mind, searching for MY ultimate destination in life. This Master program gives me the chance to put my mind to the test. The best part of all is analyzing all this information and making it your own. For the first time in my studying career all the information I read and listen to are interesting to me.The interaction with other professionals and students from all over the world, the discussions about the way we look at the world and how we all grow and learn keeps me motivated.
Jessica Alink
Hi, my name is Jessica Alink, born on the 10th of Januari 1986 and a Media & Entertainment Management graduate. My ambitions are to get married and become a mum, but before that I want to apply my Imagineering knowledge, preferably outside of cold and rainy Holland.
Bram van Boekholt

Kishore Menon

I was in search of happiness for a long while,
then I stopped seeking and I found.
for me,
Life is a beautiful story, one gets to co-author*********************************************************
:-) kishore
Jennifer Dahm

Hallo!:) Ich bin Jenny aus Deutschland., 23 Jahre alt und seit 2006 Studentin in Holland. Well, now I am actually the only German in this course but I still love to go to school! Why? Because of the ambiguity and creativity in this course. My classmates and me share the fact of an open and creative mindset, which makes co-creation a great experience! No matter in which way – be it business or personal, we come along very well! I even made some good friends in a short period of time which is just great. My dream was and still is to be significant to the world. Okay, that is far-fetched. Let me say it like this: I want to make a difference, be it just for one person. I want to facilitate others to create meaning in their very own way in order to share this with others. This is not only valid for persons, but also for companies because they belong to us in this ever-growing network society.
Bobby Verlaan
Who does enjoy life? Who does make meaning for themselves and tries to be meaningful to others? I like to take the human perspective in organizations as a starting point. Too many times I see things go wrong because procedures prescribe us to act as an robot to the other. That's one of the main reasons why I chose to follow the Master in Imagineering. I acknowledge the experience of an organization is the most important holistic way of thinking of the service a company is offering its clients. That's why trying to positively redefine
the service with the organization itself is an exciting and meaningful future job to me.
Lieke van der Zanden
I like the word WOW! Wow when something new happens. Wow, when you meet someone inspiring. Wow, when you reach something you never expected of achieving.
Wow is inspiring, it surprises me, it gives me a certain feeling, that motivates me to search for new Wow experiences.
Wow is different and special for everybody. Creating a Wow is challenging. To me Imagineering has the WOW factor. My new challenge is the Imagineering challenge to create a new WOW….