Innovation is now more important than ever. But why is it that hard to break free from our regular thinking? Since the industrial revolution we have created our current mindset and for many years this has been the status quo.
This means that we are used to think into certain dominant business recipes. If you are not able to realize this it is impossible to find new solutions. You will be trapped in your own thinking world. Therefore we need to implement a more explorational approach towards our business.
We need to find a new way to build bridges, a new way to look at our world. Therefore we need to throw away our believes, because they influence too much what we are able to see. Everything we see around us is created with our industrial mindset, which doesn’t make this an easy task.
But to experience this there is a nice experiment which in psychological context is called the ‘Stroop effect’. The only thing you need to do is read aloud the colour in which each of the following words is printed. DO NOT READ THE WORDS.
As you will experience this is quite hard to do. It is this hard, because your world is built upon the English or your own language. Now try to do it again but now the words are written in Greek. A language you probably not know and therefore have no beliefs about.
Rob - Future Master of Imagineering
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