What is co-creation? How to implement it within a real organization? It is easier to say than perform. This week, we have experience a Co-creation Masterclass with Martijn Staal and Slooten. It is an interesting lecture. Because this subject is so new, so we heard only few examples such as Dell, Martijn Staal’s story, achmea “The Brain Room”. Of course, we see the co-creation is everywhere on the internet or even in our local, town or city, ect. But do we realize it or not? We have passed from one to another co-creation event or process as such our conventional activities and then forget it or remember it as a memory.
Internet has given people around the world a bigger chance than ever to co-create and together build up a better world. There are facebook, youtube, hyves, linkedin, and thousands and thousands forums, blogs which were created to connect people and will be more. Thus we see co-creation is everywhere. How do we implement it in a company or an organization in which we are working or participate? This is what Imagineering students have learned, POST methodology. Theory is never enough, so practical assignments are needed. We worked on assignment 1 to fortify our theory knowledge of half POST model; it means only PO (people and objectives). Then each group presents their concept to share idea and give commend each other. Part 2 is the most exciting one, ST (strategy and technology) part. How do we apply technology and strategy create an accomplish platform of co-creation for the company or the organization. The final result uh? ……….. to me nothing more valuable than an experience of sharing idea and a fun lecture. These are also the core elements of co-creation.

Nice to read this report. I am very curious what potential you all see in applying co-creation within your application companies!
Hi Tu!
Nice story.
Unfortunately you weren't there at the co-creation with the students of St.Joost art-academy. I'm sure someone will post a detailed story of those 2 days on this blog soon!
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