Using Endnote and experience research

This week we had to hand in the first RMC assigment. As I underestimated the assigment in hours of work, the weekend before was vanished into time to make sure the work was carried out in a good way.

The upcoming week was promosing a week full of new research methods given by Proffesor W. van Gool and associates. It promised to be less wonderfull as the three weeks of inspirational lessons before, however I know I need to know about the methods available concerning qualitative research as it will help me during my work I will be doing in the application company.

Monday we got a workshop about EndNote; a referencing program. We got explained how to use it to insert references from available databases and how to get these references to work within Word for writing the Business transformation report, our thesis of the Master in Imagineering.

The Wednesday we got a lecture of Nick Johns who flew over from the UK to talk about qualitative experience research. For example using the PAT methodology. It was quit interesting how photographs of a holiday can result into scientific research ;-).

There is another blog post about the Thursday is coming up. stay tuned..