This Thursday we had to practice how to the laddering research technique can be used. In order to learn how it works, we practiced it ourselves by finding out what we like about our mobile telephone. We asked each other about the key features a phone should possess, after which we asked each other why that feature is so important. This questioning went on until we got a sense of terminal values. Values that are in you as a person and that do not easily come out.

Meanwhile during the interviews our classmate Wilma found out that the green wall in our classroom is never looked at, while this is the most 'inspirational' wall, as it is being green opposed to the other walls who are all white. Most of us agreed upon switching the lecturers view to the other side. Maybe in the upcoming time the class rooms view will change suddenly 180 degrees ;-).
However, when we all finished our interviews we had to put each answer of the why questions on a

yellow sticky note and bring it to the front of the class. We had to put each answer under the right header of abstract attributes untill terminal values. It went kind a like this in the beginning, but in the end we all contributed to putting the right yellow sticky notes on the right places and even clustering them together when we found out some answers were kind of the same.
Next week Bram wil maybe tell how the laddering results were interpreted further :-).
Obviously the green wall is nicer than the white one (although some presentations really spice it up). But the wall I like best is the one near the hallway. Because here you can always see people walking and I think it is funny that people like to have a glimpse of what is going on in our classroom!!
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