Best Design

In the last Block of Creativity there was an interesting topic for discussion, towards its end. The Guest Lecturer asked all of us to come up with the Best Design we could think of. First thing that came to me was, “We” - the human beings. But then one can argue that we didn’t design it, or that we are making the best out of an existing design.

After going through the rigorous programme of RMC (Research Methodology Course) which runs parallel with rest of the programme, I had this natural tendency to do some research before I wrote something. But I have resisted this temptation and decided that I would jot down what ever comes on the fly. Last thing I want to do is to do an academic research before I write a cool blog. Probably this would be the last text I would be scripting without references. I can imagine what my state would be with regard to evaluation of content at the end of the programme, if you know what state I am in, half way.

Coming back to the topic, I ruled out myself the argument of human being as the best design, since we have no contribution to this design. One can still argue that we designed ourselves though the process of evolution, shedding the useless and enhancing the useful.

Next best thing I could think of was Fire, yes, that’s it, Fire we all know. Again we didn’t design fire, neither did we design Wood. We use wood a natural resource to design things to our convenience, so is fire. I think fire has become such an integral part of our life that, taming fire, to be produced at our convenience is being taken for granted. I can’t imagine where progress we talk about would have been, if we still have to eat raw vegetables & meat and waiting for ever it to digest. Lightening, thunder and water currents are astonishing phenomenons of nature as well, it is just that we are yet to tame it. Though we are now learning to make best use of wind and sun.

I don’t want to elaborate on this; I would now leave to the imagination of the reader.

I give Fire and taming fire, a perfect ten, for the best design, which perfectly fits all the prerequisites by definition of my mankind for design, in its attempt to define everything within the frame work of words. 

:-) Kishore